Effect Of Saturn In Different Awastha

Effect Of Different Awastha Of Saturn 

1) Shayana Awastha – If Saturn in Shayana awastha, Native will be suffering from hunger and thirst. He will be suffering from disease & sorrows in first phase of his life after that he becomes fortunate. 

2) Upvaishan Awastha – If Saturn in Upvaishan awastha, Native will be suffering from disease related to his legs such as itching, elephant legs etc. He may be suffering from authorities or king such as financial losses or tax or penalty or punishment by king. 

3) Naitrapani Awastha – When Saturn in Naitrapani Awastha then even a idiot native may also become scholar. He will be religious, rich and having many sort of prosperity. He has two wife.  He may be suffering from pitta related issues. He may be quickly angry. He has fear from fire and water. He will be suffering from pain in head. He may be suffering from disease related to backwards secret place such as piles. He will be suffering from joint pain. 

But if Saturn is placed in 10th or lagna then results may be opposite. Means not suffering from disease.

4) Prakashan Awastha – When Saturn in Prakashan Awastha, Native will be dear to King. He will be endowed with many sort of good qualities. He is religious and pure from heart. He will be scholar. 

If Saturn in lagna or 7th house, then it cause destruction of native and all his family.

5) Gamma Awastha – When Saturn in Gaman Awastha, Native will be endowed with huge wealth and many sons. He will be best person endowed with many good qualities. He is scholar and charitable. 

6) Agaman Awastha – When Saturn in Agaman awastha, Native will be suffering from swelling in legs or such type of diseases. He may be a person who attacks from his teeth. He will be very angry. He will be cheap. He will be criticizer of others. 

If Saturn in 5th of 7th house then it may cause loss of Children or wife. 

If Saturn in 10th house, 9th house or 12th house then native has all sorts of materialistic happiness, rich and will be scholar.

7) Sabhavasa Awastha – When Saturn in Sabhavas Awastha, Native will has happiness of sons and wife’s. He will be rich. He will be interested in getting good knowledge. He will be endowed with many sort of gems. 

If Saturn in 6th house and aspect by enemy planet then it may cause destruction of all.

8) Aagam Awastha – When Saturn is belong to Aagam Awastha, Native will be very angry and sick. 

If Saturn in lagna then, native may be suffering from loss of his siblings. He may be suffering from snacks etc. 

If Saturn in 2nd house then native has happiness of wealth.

If Saturn in 5th house then native has happiness of sons.

If Saturn in 7th house then Native has happiness of wife.

If Saturn in 3rd house then Native has happiness of siblings.

If Saturn in 9th house then Native has facing obstacles in every paath of his life. 

9) Bhojan Awastha – When Saturn in Bhojan Awastha, Native will be suffering from low abdominal fire, digestive problems, piles, gastric, eyesight problem & heart related problems. 

If Saturn in own exalted, own house then we have to assume auspicious and doesn’t predict about any disease. 

10) Nrityalipsa Awastha – When Saturn in Nrityalipsa awastha, native will be rich and religious. He has many sorts of wealth, happiness and good honor. He will be dear to authority. He has good passion. He will be very brave in war. 

If Saturn in 5th house then it may cause loss of all kids.

11) Kautuka Awastha – When Saturn in Kautuka Awastha, then native will be dear to King and very wealthy. He will be charitable. He will enjoying luxurious comfort. He may be skillful. He may be religious, scholar and having good character. 

If Saturn in 5th, 7th, 9th or 10th house then it may cause destruction of all above effects and native will be suffering from many diseases. 

12) Nindra Awastha – When Saturn in Nindra Awastha, then native will be rich, scholar and having pure character. He may be suffering from eye disease, abdominal problems due to pitta. He has two wife and many kids. 

If Saturn in 10th house then it may destroy profession. His jobs, Dharma will destroy. He may has not good satisfaction and suffering from sorrows. But if Saturn in own house or exalted then it may gives good results. 

If Saturn in 5th or 7th house then it may gives good results for that bhav. 

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