Impact Of Date Of Birth 14 Or Personality Number 14

Effect of Numerology on people born on 14th day of any calendar month

1)Any person born on 14th day of any calendar month has Personality number will be 14 and belongs to number 5. Number 14 made from number 1 and 4 and having total 5. So, native may has impact of Sun, Rahu and Mercury. So we can say that internal power of Sun and Rahu will be converted to Mercury. Sun and Rahu are enemy to each other, so internal conflict of planet significant will be their.

Number 14 = 1 + 4 = 5

Sun + Rahu = Mercury

Internal Power of Sun and Rahu converted to Mercury

2)Native may has attractive personality. Native may be multi talented and intelligent by nature. He may be clever for own self profit. He has sharp sense. He will be ambitious and adventurous from nature.

3) Native may be proud full and egotistic by nature. He may be sensitive and internally crooked. He may be firm and rigid from nature. He may be expert in humiliating others. He may be very independent from nature. He may be internally fraudulent by nature.

4) Native may be money minded. He may be interested in materialistic happiness. He has desires to become rich. He may be good in making plane and tricks. He may be skilful from nature. He has very good risk taking ability.

5) Native may be restless from mind. Native may be double minded. Native doesn’t has peace in his mind. His mind is always active. He has fast and impulsive thinking. His mind is full with conflicts. He has tendency for negative outlooks. He may be jealous from mind. His mind is full with hidden fears. He may be suffering from mental stress or depression.

6)Native may be workaholic from nature. His life may be full with struggles. He has many internal enemies. He may loss his opportunities due to over smartness. He may be political and diplomatic from nature. Native may has issues with goverment. He doesn’t follow any restriction.

7)Native may be creating unnecessary hypocrisy in any matters. He has harsh attitude. He may creating problems for ownself. He may be flirty and sensual from nature. Native has disturb family life. He may has dispute with father.

8) Native may be getting success in work related to intelligence. He may be getting success in sells, insurance, banking and marketing etc. He may be getting success in writing, books, printing, communication related field, post office, telecom, postoffice, trading business, travelling industry etc. Native may getting success in politics, creative works based on imaginations, printing and drawings, computers, architure, contractor, designing, scientist, occults etc. Native may be getting success in administration jobs, goverment contract or goverment jobs, social activity, public dealing jobs. He may be getting success in medical stream or jobs. He may be getting success in planning or decision making committee.

9) Native may be suffering from vata dosha. He may be suffering from gastric, body pain, or head pain. Native may be suffering from mental issues or mental stress. He may be suffering from neurological issues or paralysis. He may be suffering from insomnia. He may be suffering from abdominal problem. He may be suffering from cold and cough related issues. He may be suffering from skin issues.

10) His lucky number is 5. His lucky day is wednesday.

11)His lucky stone will be Panna or green emerald. Another favorable stone will be diamond, onax, green peridot, bright crystal, american diamond. His favorable colour will be light shaded colour, light grey or white.

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