Eight House Lord In Fifth House

Effect of 8th house lord in 5th house

1)Before knowing the effect of 8th house lord in 5th house, we have to know about Fifth house and Eight house. As 8th house lord placed in 10th from own house, so you may read First house lord in 10th house.

2) 8th house and 5th house 4th-10th from each other. When any house lord placed 10th from own house than getting natural strength so, 8th house lord placed 10th from own house means in 5th house will give natural strength to 8th house. 8th house is dussthan, so results will be depending on condition of 8th house lord in 5th house. If 8th house lord is powerful than native may be long lived. If weak than suffering from fear and stress and life may be full with many sort of obstacles.

3) 5th house is belong to children and 8th house is dussthan. So, 8th lord in 5th house is not consider good regarding children. Native may has problems in child birth or having delay in child birth. If 5th house is affiliated by 8th lord than native may has limited number of children. If badly affiliated then it may cause death of children or native doesn’t has child. His kids may has health issues. They may be suffering from disease. Native’s children may have deform physique.
Native and his children may has thoughts differences.. Native may be facing mental stress due to children. His kids may cause defame of native due to their immoral acts. But if 8th house lord well placed than native’s children are very good and his children may has all sorts of materialistic happiness.

4) 5th house belong to mentality or emotions. 8th house is a dussthan and its natural sign in kalpurush horoscope is Scorpio(scorpion is very dangerous, just imagine figure of scorpion and its attacking). So, when 8th lord placed in 5th house than native may has very dangerous mentality. Native may be turn violent in emotions. Native may be reacting very quickly for his feelings.

5) 5th house belong to intelligence and 8th house belongs to obstacle. When 8th house lord placed in 5th house than his intelligence may be affected. Native may has low intelligence or having memory problems. If 8th house lord is well placed than native may has sharper intelligence through which he can find any type of hidden things.

6)5th house belong to vidya and 8th house as a dussthan lord may cause obstacles in getting vidya. But on the other hand, 8th house also belongs to hidden knowledge. So, 8th house lord in 5th house may capable to give secret knowledge or hidden Vidhya such as astrology, occult knowledge, black magic, tantra & mantra knowledge etc. It may also possible, native may be able to make money through occult knowledge.

7) 8th house belong to research and 5th house belongs to memory. So, when 8th house lord in 5th house than native may be use his memory in research oriented work. On the other hand, 8th house lord placed 10th from own house, so native may be able to make money through his research or may be work as research professional. 8th house belongs to gambling, so 8th house lord placed in 5th house may cause, native may be working in gambling profession such as stock market in modern day conception.

8) If 8th house lord is badly placed in 5th house than native may be facing legal or mental problems due to his children. Native doesn’t has not good health. Native may be suffering from abdominal problems.

9) 5th house belong to faith and 8th house belong to question mark regarding faith. When 8th house lord placed in 5th house than native doesn’t has good faith on his traditional rituals and religion. But if 8th house lord is well placed and 5th house is also in good condition than native has very deeper knowledge regarding religion and rituals. Native has such type of knowledge, so he may be able to find the hidden truth of religion and traditional rituals. Native may has very good spiritual power.

10)When 8th house lord with 5th house lord in 5th house and both in good condition, than native may be very knowledgeable and intelligent. Native may get secret knowledge. Native may be religious. If combination is badly affiliated 5th house than death of children is possible. Native may be mentality disturb.

11) If you want to read effect of planet in 5th house than you may read Planet in 5th house.

8th house lord in 5th house according to classical book of astrology

Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra

रन्धेशे सुतभावस्थे जड़ बुद्धि प्रजायते। स्वल्पप्रज्ञोभवेज्जातो दीर्घायुश्च‌ धनान्वित:।।

When 8th house lord placed in 5th house than native may be rigid by nature. He has very little knowledge. He may be wealthy and long lived.

Vriddha Yavanajataka

When 8th house lord is natural malefic and placed in 5th house than native may be devoid from happiness of son. If natural beneficial then he has son. Generally, native will be short life and do fraudulent acts.

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