Saturn Rahu conjunction in 1st house

Saturn & Rahu Conjunction in 1st house

Effect of Saturn & Rahu Conjunction in 1st house as per Vedic Astrology

Before knowing the effect of Saturn & Rahu conjunction in 1st house we have to know about effect of

Saturn & Rahu conjunction in 1st house considered worst for native’s health. He may face multiple challenges in his life. He may work in IT or Medical sector. Native may be an easy target of negative energy.

Saturn & Rahu conjunction in 1st house is considered as Shrapit or Praith dosha

Planet Saturn & Rahu is considered as demon group of planets. So, conjunction of Saturn & Rahu is popular as Shrapit dosha. As per as consideration, people having shrapit dosha in 1st house may suffer due to evil energies or spirits or ghosts.

As per Vedic consideration, any of his family members may be suffering from unnatural death & his Vedic rituals are pending. Because Rahu is related to our Pitru and Saturn is related to our Pending karma. So, conjunction of Saturn & Rahu in 1st house indicates pending karma towards our ancients.

Saturn with Rahu conjunction in 1st house may cause a restless attitude

Native may be lazy & shameless from nature. He may be hard-hatred. Native may be experts in dividing & ruling Nithi or creating conflicts between others. He may be rigid from nature. But he may change their behaviour according to the situations. He may be not so much trustworthy in nature.

Rahu with Saturn conjunction in 1st house cause materialistic nature

Native may be greedy from nature. He may be money minded from nature. He may be involved in immoral or illegal activities.

Native may be involved in show off. He is creating an illusion of his richness. He may be involved in fraudulent acts or suffer from legal issues.


Conjunction of Rahu & Saturn in 1st house may cause unstable professional life

Due to conjunction of Saturn & Rahu, native may be an industrialist from mind. His risk & speculating capacity may be high. So, he can face many ups & downs in his life. Native may suffer in the early part of life.

Native may be involved in the below profession

  • Computer related work such as IT or graphics designing.
  • Photocopy, printing press, photography or videography
  • Automobile sector or vehicle finance or wheels related business
  • Shadow work or hidden activities
  • Occults, black magic, tarot cards, reiki etc

Saturn & Rahu conjunction in 1st house gives diplomatic attitude

Native may be smart in dealing with others. He has diplomatic nature. He has good guessing abilities regarding upcoming matters. Such people may be smart in copying others.  If anybody motivates him then can do any sort of job.

Conjunction of Rahu & Saturn in 1st house is cause weak health of Native

Native having Rahu & Saturn conjunction may has tall height & thin physique. But his vitality may be weak and having ill health. His aura may be also weak and easily attract negative energies.

Native may suffer from Vata dosha due to which he has gastric or body pain-related issues. He may suffer from arthritic, rheumatism, chronic issues or joint pain. He may suffer from dental or mouth issues. Native may suffer from skin disorders.


Conjunction of Saturn with Rahu in 1st house may cause anxiety

Native may suffer from anxiety, mental disorder or illusion. He may suffer from depression. Such people may be interested in black magic or tantra. He needs to do meditation to gain mental peace. 

Rahu & Saturn conjunction in 1st house may cause a series of disease

Sometimes it is seen that people having Saturn & Rahu conjunction in 1st house may be suffering from long-run disease. He has been cured from one disease than another disease attacks on native. So, he has to visit from one doctor to another doctor.

Apart from this, native may has suffer from psychological issues. His mind may be full with negativity. He may suffer from neurological or nerve-related issues. He has a chance of incurable diseases such as cancer.

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