Saturn Rahu Conjunction in 3rd house

Saturn & Rahu Conjunction in 3rd House

Effect of Saturn & Rahu Conjunction in 3rd house as per Vedic Astrology

Before knowing the effect of Saturn & Rahu conjunction in 3rd house we have to know about effect of

Saturn & Rahu conjunction in 3rd house may cause struggle in life & cause conflict with siblings. He has abord settlement & become a successful industrialist.

Saturn & Rahu conjunction in 3rd house may cause struggle in his life

Conjunction of Saturn with Rahu in 3rd house may indicate his pending karma towards his ancients. Native may be facing struggles regarding success in his starting age of life. After hard work, he will get good success in his life.

Conjunction of Saturn with Rahu in 3rd house make him brave & egoistic

Native may have good physical & mental strength. He may be brave & wise. But he may be lazy by nature. If anybody challenges him then he can do impossible jobs without worries about output. He may be egoistic by nature and full of false proudness.


Saturn with Rahu in 3rd house will give attractive personality

Native may be expert in communicating & fishing others. He may be shameless regarding communicating with anybody. He may attract the public due to his activities. His diplomatic attitude & aggressive way of talking give him victory over arguments. Such natives can manipulate any matters for their own profit.

Conjunction of Saturn with Rahu in 3rd house may cause conflicts with siblings

Saturn with Rahu in 3rd house may cause a lack of happiness through siblings. Native has a disturbed relationship with siblings. He has a dispute related to parental property. Sometimes natives have more sisters in comparison to brothers. His siblings may settled aboard.

Saturn & Rahu conjunction in 3rd house may cause depression or anxiety

Native may suffer from mental stress. He may suffer from depression or negativity. Some people may suffer from anxiety or illustration or sexual frustration. He is in danger from spirits or evil energies.


Conjunction of Rahu with Saturn makes him an industrialist

Native has a materialistic approach and is greedy. He may earn via his self-effort and bring fortune for himself. Native may be associated with illegal activity.

He may be an industrialist. Such people can do well in computer or IT related jobs. Native may be associated with automobile or wheels related jobs. He may be associated with photography or x-ray type jobs.

Conjunction of Rahu with Saturn in 3rd house may cause foreign travelling

Native may go away from their motherland. He may have many medium or long journeys in his life. His profession may be related to foreign countries or journeys due to his profession. He may have religious travelling.

Saturn with Rahu conjunction in 3rd house may cause the below disease

  • Native may suffer from gastric or body pain.
  • He may be careful regarding mouth or throat issues.
  • He may suffer from ear infections or hand injuries.
  • Native has danger from nerves-related issues.
  • He may suffer from issues related to childbirth.

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